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red lips & coffee

So, I'm the type of person that throws the whole lamp away if a light bulb blows out. So dumb... I know, but the point is that when I am unsure how to do things, I don't do them. WHY? Well, the answer is, while putting pride aside, I do that because it is easier to do, I don't know which lightbulb to get that is give me the best lighting and quite frankly, I don't want to look like I don't know what I am doing! Opposed to just asking a person that works there for help, I'd rather spend money (that I don't have and don't need to spend) JUST to look like I know what I am doing and that I got it going on...

Red Lipstick and Coffee is unapologetically me. This is my story and my process of joining hand in hand with Christ to help me overcome physical pain (I am currently 4 months and one day post L4-5 spinal fusion), mental pain, emotional pain and spiritual pain. Red lipstick make me feel wild and vivacious and ready to conquer all that life throws at me! And let's be real, coffee is THE preferred beverage of heaven! :) To me, coffee is more than something you grab to help kickstart your morning (although, it is very helpful). Coffee really means late night chats, catching up with old friends, and well spent time with family!

That is exactly what this blog is about. It's about the way we face certain situations, when in retrospect, while humanly flawed, we could have handled it much better without stressing or spending tons of money and/ or time!

Daily, I face so many insecurities, however, when I wear red lipstick, THE GAME IS CHANGED! I feel like Olivia Pope, no Scandal, mixed with Wonder Woman. There is no kryptonite that can take me down; I feel invincible! The world tells me that I should be this size, I should wear that, I should date this guy but marry the other. And with all of the conflicting messages out there, I would rather be unapologetically me. I know, I know.. tons of women say that and live that for a while, then fall back into old ways that listens to society.

Not me! Listen, I love nothing more than being authentically me at any cost and I want YOU to do the same. And it's not just me, the Holy Spirit wants you to live a life of freedom. I use social media as honestly as possible while being a positive light. With that, I don't feel the need to post all of the negative lemons of life; because in all actuality, everyone is so worried about what's going on in their life to care about and yours. Even though that is the truth, there is no reason to sugar-coat or hide your personality. Daddy God has created you to be exactly who you are, without any apologies!

Now, before you leave this blog thinking I'm some knuck and buck type Christian, that just wants your money, that couldn't be the furthest from the truth. I genuinely care about you and your life and most importantly, your eternity in heaven. I want you to know that God, the Creator of the universe, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for your sins. You might think that your sins can outweigh the love and blood shed of Jesus BUT that is not true! Jesus is not mad at you; He is madly in love with you! If you believe that and you want Jesus to be the Lord and Savior of your life, PLEASE email me: TheUglyDucklingBrand@Gmail.Com. I'd love nothing more than to help you on this journey to trusting Jesus.

And you might question what it means to have a Lord and Savior. Well, it means to allow His (Jesus) Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you through life as well as to help you find your purpose in life. It is not guaranteed to be painless, BUT it is worth it! It is worth it to live a life that gives glory to God and to spend eternity in heaven with the Father. Our life is so much better with the Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) and ALL glory and honor goes to and belongs to Him!

I can't use words to express how excited, anxious, and ready I am to begin this are chapter in my life. This blogs serves as a tool for me to process where I am in my recovery from spinal fusion and how to live a live that is pleasing to Christ. Through my journey, I want you to also experiencing a pleasing life to Christ Jesus.

I love you more than you know and so does Jesus!

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